Brand and Branding are words too familiar yet may seem like quite a task to achieve.
Brand is a name or label associated to a product being marketed and branding in all its integrity is the modes and methods chosen to ace a product label/name to a brand name (popular).
In a simpler sense branding is a straight forward appeal by the brand on who they are, who they want to be and what they promote to its target market.
Any branding strategy operates at different levels and spaces. To begin with, for any brand to make a cut over a sea of similar brands, the aesthetic or the physical attributes must be treated at the front foot. The packaging, the logo, the colour palette, the website design together with tagline using word play or just a true and original message does the work.
Secondly/Majorly like how Coca cola has come to replace every other soda? This in fact is the “brand equity”. Brand equity is the commercial value gained by a particular/popular brand in comparison to the multiple other similar brands and products and there in awards with the brand the license to add that value to their pricing. Coca cola or the newer Coke has amassed an enormous consumer market from its very debut in the year 1886. This success as the single largest soda distributor was made possible with its various campaigns from the beginning. Coke is a product with viable consumer in every other person alive irrespective of age, race etc.

So were their campaigns that showed how Coke meddled through various age groups, classes, times, ethnicities to become the part of daily living standards and celebrations alike. Coca Cola in the years of running has created a committed customer base, reformed culture and more.
Similarly brand equity has resulted to make Starbucks a synonym of coffee, Google an ultimate search engine, the answer to all the queries.
At the end building brand is a journey of self discovery, knowing your purpose, connecting to your potential customers, growing an emotionally attached committed crowd, reviving with changing time becomes integral in this process.</>p